

World's Best Compost

Makes YOUR Place Into a Real Garden of Eden

"What's the Ultimate Health Giving Secret of Plant Feeding?

The One That Almost Every Professional Ag and Garden Advisor on The Planet Has About as Much Clue as.........A Lab Rat Has About Quantum Mechanics!"

If you want to discover for the very first time how to feed your plants as Nature really intended. And do it without bins, tumblers, odor or TURNING ... then this is going to be the most exciting message you ever read.

Here's why:

As a child our family were almost self sufficient in fruit and vegetables and I was brought up growing and harvesting all kinds of stuff. I swore when I left home that I would never ever touch a spade or pick another bean for the rest of my life. I'm sure you've had similar feelings about something too.

Well I was wrong! Just as soon as I was living in a house that actually had some land around it and not concrete ( funny how nature wants to break down rock and man just wants to make more!). The fingers got itchy seeing that soil go to waste. So I started a small vegetable plot and got growing again.

I grew "organically" just like my parents used to mostly, although they did use a few poisons when pests got out of hand. I made the usual type of compost from kitchen scraps and weeds and all the other stuff you get when gardening. When I went to the beach surfing I grabbed the odd bag of seaweed to chuck in too. Seaweeds' got every mineral and trace element in it.

The compost was what I now call the "untidy heap". Just a pile of random stuff turned from time to time with the fork. I hated turning that muck. I tried a bin too and man do those make some vile stuff. Anyway I fed the soil with my "compost" and got ok results. The bugs and snails got half and I got the rest.

I didn't want to use poisons of any kind because it just didn't feel right to dump that toxic stuff on to something I was going eat!

I Had That Weird Feeling That There MUST be Something Better..........

I read up on all kinds of organic gardening and used some of the tips I found and did a little better. But not much mind you!

But then in one of those strange moments in life when you're not where you normally "are" (I was sick and so at home watching daytime TV). I saw a farming program that featured a guy named Alex Podolinsky and instantly I got that BFO (blinding flash of the obvious) and knew that this was what I had been looking for.

Have you ever met someone that has such confidence in what they are about that you know instantly they are not full of BS? I phoned the TV station and got his details and wrote a letter right there and then even in my miserable state. When the answer came I was amazed. In writing that was almost unreadable to me because it "danced" like a Van Gough painting was "Phone 9897 18xx" and beneath this was the rubber stamped name of Alexei de Podolinsky. Many years later I learned that Alex was in fact old Ukrainian nobility, whose family fled Russia during the revolution. It also turned out that this particular farming program had the most calls to the station of ANY program up until that time and was swamped with letters.

What I Learned Next Has Radically Changed My Life and Others in Such a Powerful Way..

To my total amazement I found out that almost ALL plants grown by man today are being force fed into sickness and us along with them.

And that as it turns out is why we have all the plant and pest problems we do. These plants are sick and surprise surprise, old mother Nature wants to be rid of them!

How many root systems does a plant have?

Now imagine how you would feel to have a garden that was healthy and glowing with life. Where the plants hardly ever got any pest problems. Where the food you harvested fresh tasted better than almost any food you ever tasted before? (the worlds best chefs seek out food grown this way because it makes them famous!) Madonna's personal chef had it flown in wherever they were on tour.

Can you pick up a handful of your soil and breathe in the rich sweet aroma? Or does it smell a little unpleasant, like fertilizer or probably not at all? Sick soil equals sick plants.

Would you love it when your plants just leap out of the soil with the vitality of an Olympic athlete in peak competition readiness?

What about having soil so friable and structured that you can dig it with your bare hands? Would you love that too?

Well all these wonderful garden of Eden like qualities you can have from understanding that the plant has TWO root systems if given the chance in a natural growing environment.

One for feeding when the Sun shines and one for drinking almost pure soil water 24/7.

For healthy pest free, fantastic tasting plants, you must NOT feed plants through the soil water as 99.99% of our "experts" tell us. (this mentality supports the huge fertilizer and chemical giants wreaking havoc on our planet)

Plants must be fed naturally through humus of the plants free choice in the soil.

Now you might say, yeah I've heard of humus, is that all you're on about?

OK, can I ask you this? Where do you get humus from? Not just piddly amounts that may come from the bottom of your current compost or the smear of it on top of the soil under forest litter. I mean cubic yards of the stuff. Natures ultimate plant health food in never before quality and quantity right there for you in your own garden!

You see the slimy black goop in the bottom of your airless compost bin is NOT humus.

The fibrous mulch you turn out of your compost tumbler is NOT humus.

You can get a little humus under the right conditions from the ad hoc pile of garden debris but ..

True Humus is a Colloid

Did I hear a mutter of: "What the bleep is a colloid?"

Simply put, a colloid is a structurally bound suspension of a solid and a liquid . The solid is held in the liquid but its "not wet" to touch. Butter and jello (jelly) are two very good examples of colloids.

Humus colloid is up to 75% water and the plant food is NOT soluble in the soil water due to the unique living structure of colloidal humus. Plant roots however can get what they want, when they want.

So imagine an entire heap of pure colloidal humus made WITHOUT turning, WITHOUT a compost bin, WITHOUT a tumbler and without odor problems? Does your compost look like this?

Would that be OK for you? Having your own ultimate plant health food there for the taking?

If your compost doesn't look like the rubbery putty in the photo you're just wasting your time and effort when probably with less effort you could have true colloidal humus instead.

So if you've been wasting your time, money and materials and even health trying to boost your garden health up till now, then let me show you how you can create the holy grail of plant nutrition right at home and with less time, effort and money than you've outlaid up till now.

After using this method for close to 20 years and teaching to small groups for over 10 years, I've finally revealed the secrets to everyone on how to create real colloidal humus compost step by step and how you will benefit immensely from it. Get the complete lowdown now in my brand new e-book "The World's Best Compost"

As you have probably already gathered I'm a pretty down to earth kinda guy and I just want to say that this book is not just mumbo jumbo. It gives the concise reasons why you need to make colloidal humus compost, how it will benefit you and your family immensely and how to create it with step by step, led by the hand instructions. There's also lots of photos and diagrams so that you know exactly what to do and look for.


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