

How to Materialize Your Heart's Desires

"How You Can Use HOLOGRAPHIC CREATION to Easily Manifest Your Desires, even if you lack Visualizing Skills."

Creating Reality Holographically is BEYOND VISUALIZATION!

"I must say, your book has been the catalyst for helping me over the practical hurdle of actually taking manifesting as a disciplined part of life. The way you present the material makes it very doable and easy to understand.

Thanks for taking the time to write such a helpful guide for manifesting."

Cheryl Wiker
Ypsilanti, Michigan

Easy Steps and 10 Minutes a Day

Christopher Westra - Author of I Create Reality

By Purchasing I Create Reality, you get...

  • Hope and Enthusiasm back into your life!

  • Confidence that your personal creations are growing.

  • The freedom to live the life you've always wanted.

  • A new self-image that expands your goals and dreams.

  • Increased energy and zest for living.

  • The practical methods to create what you want!

  • A Step by Step Holographic Creation Sheet to increase your discipline and focus.

Wouldn't it be amazing to MANIFEST what you want and take part in the GREAT AWAKENING that is occurring on this earth right now?

You probably know of the increases in awareness and consciousness on the planet. Just think what it could mean for your life to find out about the reality of the unseen world, and how it responds to the holographic images you create with your mind!

Choose to take part in rejuvenating the entire planet while also Creating What You Want!

"I am glad I got a chance to read your material, it may have changed my life.

I just wanted to say that the I create reality Reality program is truly worth the small amount of money it costs...I have tried other programs in the past, and was greatly disappointed. One fantastic difference is the Holocreation sheet, it actually gives you a step by step way to create your own holograms, and to provide that secret added ingredient called "emotion" in just the right way, to literally manifest your dreams in front of your eyes.

The holocreation worksheet enabled me to get clear on an image,
feeling, details, etc, and literally was able to manifest something I had been "affirming " for months..(a love relationship, believe it or not)...I can honestly say for the money this is a fantastic manifestation program that I would recommend to anyone, just try it!!"

William Webb
Nashville, Tennessee

You will Actually Learn how to Create Baby Holograms of your desires out of light and sound. These are real entities.

Then you learn how to send these Baby Holograms into the soil of the Universe. They will grow into Full-Size Holograms that you will meet in Physical Existence.

"I really appreciate the time you've taken to respond to my email. Thanks. I managed to download the book without any problems and I think it's brilliant. I'm starting my first creating this afternoon.

I ... was sitting in front of the computer and this otherworldy energy came over me and somehow I found your site amidst a page of entries relating to affirmations.

I found myself clicking on to your site and before you know it the material was in my hands, I think the universe was talking to me quite directly at that time. "


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